
About us

Profile of the company

ČEZ Energetické produkty, s.r.o. is a subsidiary of ČEZ, a. s., which is the 100 % owner of the company. ČEZ Energetické produkty, s.r.o. is a modern and customer-oriented company whose mission is to ensure a reliable and economically efficient operation of the coal combustion products handling system at conventional power plants of the CEZ Group. The company primarily ensures the utilization of coal combustion products (CCPs).

Since 2009 the company has been providing comprehensive services not only in coal combustion products handling system of the conventional power plants of CEZ Group's. The company is also active in processing of CCPs (in particular the sale of fly ash, gypsum, slag and stabilized fly ash to external customers, providing comprehensive services in the implementation of technical and biological reclamation, etc.), operation and maintenance of the coal combustion products handling system, and regulatory compliance with respect to the protection of human health and the environment. One of the other important activities of the company is providing services in the scrap material management. The company currently has nearly 600 employees.

The company is one of the founding members of the Association for the use of coal combustion products (ASVEP), which deals with the use of coal combustion products in the construction industry, and the preparation of Technical requirements for the application of CCPs. ASVEP is also participating on the preparation of the relevant legislation (technical requirements for application, a national strategy for CCPs, etc.).

The company closely cooperates with universities since its founding in order to enhance research and development in all fields, where the company is active. In recent years, the company has implemented several projects dealing with the new possibilities of CCPs application under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Czech Republic.

The company also provides services for other companies in order to comply with requirements following from Regulation No. 1907/2006/EC (REACH Regulation) on registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances both within CEZ Group, and also for external customers.

Since 2009 the company closely cooperates with the Association ECOBA (producers of coal combustion products from European countries), in 2013 the company became a full member. As part of the association's activities ECOBA participate in the preparation of legislation and regulations regarding the use of CCPs in the EU, preparation of rules and standards in the application of CCPs as construction products, and together with international partners prepares research projects on the utilization of CCPs.

ČEZ Energetické produkty, s.r.o. owns certificates of quality management systems ISO 9001 and environmental ISO 14001 and Safety OHSAS 18001.